JONESBORO, Ark. — Hytrol hosted area teachers as a part of the Jonesboro Unlimited Industry Educators Externship.


The Jonesboro Unlimited Industry Educators Externship is a three-day event in which 37 teachers tour both the Hytrol facility and other manufacturing plants in the area. The teachers participated in hands-on activities and learned about the range of potential job opportunities for their students, including degreed career paths and skilled trades.


“We’re looking for ways to connect deeply with our community, to teach them more about opportunities for career advancement beyond high school. By exploring these opportunities with Northeast Arkansas educators, we’re forming a mutually beneficial partnership that stimulates the transfer knowledge and resources between industry and the classroom,” said Natalie Shew, Manager of Academic Outreach.


“I like to see things hands-on. I am looking for opportunities for my kids who do want to go to college and those who don’t,” said Jonesboro High School teacher Laquietta Steward.


Some expressed surprise at the breadth of opportunities for those in manufacturing.


“We have many kids who do not want to go to college but they also don’t want to work in a factory. Throughout this program I have realized there are so many rewarding jobs at Hytrol,” said Mandy McFall from Buffalo Island Central.


On the third day, the 37 teachers sat down and discussed what they learned throughout the event. Many called the event “eye-opening”.


“Our students are diverse, so any exposure and knowledge we can give them about life after high school is great,” said Wesley Miller, Assistant Principal of Brookland High.


During the event, participants were given a forum to express their needs to industry leaders so that educators are better equipped to communicate to students what the manufacturing industry offers.


“The externship is not only a great opportunity for teachers to learn about our company, but it is also a time for industry to learn what students and teachers need from us,” said Shew.


Teachers expressed the need for potential internships, apprenticeships, help with curriculum planning, and communication with multiple people inside the manufacturing community.


“This week, we were able to promote one of our core values: community,” said Phillip Poston, Hytrol’s Director of Strategic Planning. “By helping with this program and learning from our area teachers, we now have a better understanding of what we can do to provide the best resources for their students.”


To learn more about the externship visit www.jonesborounlimited.com or email Shelle Randall at srandall@jonesborounlimited.com.


About Jonesboro Unlimited:


Jonesboro Unlimited (JU) is a private partnership organization dedicated to the advancement of economic prosperity in Jonesboro and the region. Jonesboro Unlimited’s progressive and pro-business approach has been proven in the solid economic base of our community. If you are looking at Jonesboro as a possible location for your company, or growing your existing company, our team stands ready to assist.


For more information on Hytrol, visit www.hytrol.com.



About Hytrol:


Hytrol designs and manufactures advanced conveyor systems for its customers. For more than 70 years, Hytrol has focused on creating innovative, customized conveyor solutions that help companies achieve their goals.

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