The Hytrol Story
“Three consecutive years with record sales has resulted in the fastest production build up in the history of Hytrol Conveyor Company.” This statement was made by Tom Loberg in early 1967 during a meeting with the company executives. He went on to say, “This build up has literally absorbed every square foot of factory space we now have. Whereas we estimated our new plant in Jonesboro would fill our needs for at least eight to ten years, we now find ourselves with our production backs to the walls.” Hytrol was experiencing phenomenal growth. Sales volume grew in 1965 and even more in 1966. By the year 1967, with the addition of more conveyor models and sizes, more employees, and an even greater increase in sales, it became readily apparent that the small manufacturing company was getting crowded. Production was even suffering from the Expansion and the “Pillars of Wisdom” cramped factory area. It was getting difficult to even assemble the units before they were shipped. And with the ever-increasing need for more and better machinery, Tom, Chuck, and Ralph knew an expansion was the only answer. Hytrol would start its expansion program five years early. Plans were made to double the production area. Counting the small office area up front, the total size of the plant would be increased from 24,000 sq. ft to over 50,000 sq. ft. Early in 1965, it was becoming apparent that bigger inventories of raw material were crowding out other vital operations. With the addition of new machinery such as a Cincinnati 12 ft. shear and a 175-ton press brake, space for raw material was lacking. A separate metal storage building was erected to house the “back up” stock of raw materials. The main purpose of this inventory was to provide the extra material to keep production moving along and maintain on-time shipments. But this building was only a temporary solution to the space problem. The new 13 e x p a n s i o n a n d t h e “ P i l l a r s o f w i s d o m ”
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