The Hytrol Story

Reaction was immediate and, from the Hytrol distributors, mostly positive. Hytrol competitors, however, scoffed and snickered! One competitor even came right out and called the whole idea a grand folly! “It won’t work!” they said. “This will set them back!” But, in the two short months left in the year, sales for 1964 were over $1 million! Hytrol’s 24-hour shipping promise was an instant success! Orders from every Hytrol distributor began pouring in from all across the United States. The St. Louis sales and warehouse staff worked hard to schedule every order for 24-hour shipment. During this period, not every order made it out in 24 hours, but most did and the distributors were ecstatic. Of course, all manufacturing was still being done in Jonesboro. The conveyors and accessories still had to be shipped up to St. Louis. To avoid any possible delays in getting the finished product to the new Stockyard, two Bob trucks were purchased exclusively for transporting conveyors to the St. Louis warehouse. Hytrol employee Arvis Connor began driving these first trucks back and forth between Jonesboro and St. Louis. It was the beginning of a long career of driving various Stockyard trucks for Hytrol that lasted over 35 years. As ordering from the Hytrol St. Louis warehouse became more and more popular with the Distributors, Arvis Connor began making trips more often to “replenish” the stock. Sales of popular models grew along with other conveyors which were not Stockyard items. Soon, it was necessary to determine which orders had top priority. Tom, Sam, and everyone else were determined to insure the Stockyard would continue to be a success. It was instilled in each employee to put the Stockyard orders on top of all other orders. The slogan, “The Stockyard Replenishing Order Comes First!” was adopted by everyone as a sign of their commitment to Hytrol’s St. Louis warehouse. Everyone was excited about the new Stockyard. Tom, Chuck, Sam, Ralph, and all of Hytrol’s employees had made a promise to do everything in their power to insure the Stockyard would be a success. The Hytrol distributors were well pleased. They were now able to order conveyors with the assurance the product would be delivered in a timely manner. And, in the end, customers who used Hytrol products received their conveyors and accessories promptly which made them happy! It was a win-win situation for everyone!