The Hytrol Story

became a well-liked and much respected member of the industry. His visits were usually very much welcomed by the dealers. A firm called Langley Material Handling was one of Speedways’ dealers. During one visit to Langley, Sam was talking to the owners of the firm, Bernie McCallum and Jerry Golden. As usual, the conversation evolved around the material handling industry and conveyors in particular. Sam was selling gravity skatewheel conveyors to Langley at the time and trying to sell the dealer on Speedway’s small line of power conveyor. But Bernie and Jerry weren’t interested in the Speedway power conveyors because they were already a Hytrol dealer. They were very much sold on Hytrol’s Model R. They told Sam, “Why can’t you guys make an aluminum power conveyor like those two guys in that garage in Milwaukee?” This was how Sam became familiar with Hytrol and Tom Loberg. He could never know or foresee at that time how profoundly Hytrol and Tom would someday influence his life.