The Hytrol Story
the product, the production, and the sales tools used. The other element of the growth was the building of Hytrol’s strong and aggressive distributor organization. A list of reasons why the convention committee felt “Hytrol Leads the Way” was an appropriate slogan included: The Stockyard, the Hytrol Price List (which was now color-coded for the user), the simple and easy to read catalogs, the shipping schedules, the general attitude of company personnel toward the sales personnel in the field, and the keen desire to sense the urgency factor of the distributor at all times. Someone wrote, “While it is difficult to describe in detail the exact personality of a company, it is unanimously felt by those firms who represent Hytrol that, indeed, Hytrol Leads the Way. . . in many ways!” It was most certainly true. Hytrol was shocking the material handling industry at seemingly every turn. With the introduction of new and revolutionary products, the Stockyard with its 24-hour shipments, and Hytrol’s commitment to the distributor organization, there was, it seemed to many, no stopping the little conveyor company! It was decided the convention would be held at a new Ramada Inn, just outside of St. Louis. The inn had just completed construction of a new convention center, and Hytrol’s convention would be the first event held there. Announcements were sent out, and the convention was planned for October of 1968. Response was avid and over 125 reservations were received. Hytrol’s conventions have always been a first class affair. The convention committee tries hard to ensure the distributors are comfortable, well-fed, and entertained during the event. Actor James Craig (1912-1985), a film star with many notable movies to his credit, was the guest of honor during the two-day session. The first day was comprised of product workshops, conducted by Hytrol employees. Tom Loberg was there to show and explain the working principles of his new patented Model “ACC” accumulating conveyor. The group was also taken for a tour of the Hytrol Stockyard. For many, it was their first look at the operation of Hytrol’s 24-hour shipping service. The second day of the convention was filled with specially chartered flights via Southern Airways to Jonesboro to enable the distributors and their wives to view the newly expanded factory and headquarters. The program included carefully planned tours of all areas of the factory to cover all phases of production. New products were also unveiled at the plant during the tours. Each day’s activity was closed with a formal banquet including entertainment by well known stars especially brought to St. Louis and Jonesboro by Hytrol for the convention. Entertainers during this event included Columbia recording artists Jerry Murad’s Harmonicats, comedian Dink
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